Sunday, April 3, 2011

toxic love

toxic love, makes you wanna come closer & not look back, while fadin every step u take and foggin what u thought u were.. this gas mask can't take anymore..

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Let's Deconstruct!

Deconstruct: A linguistic issue in which the meaning of a word is extracted and changed.

Dude BEFORE: a well dressed male that lives only in big cities

Dude NOW: somebody

Asshole BEFORE: Anus

Asshole NOW: IDIOT!

now the cool pics

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is "Nothingness" posible?

well, I think nothingness depends on the subject. the nothingness of someone is what that someone is not. so the definition of nothingness can't be applied to everything at the same time. what is the nothingness of the universe? well that can't be posible. but my nothingness is posible. so, is the question refering to nothingness of everything? if so, then no. If nothingness depends on the subject (as Sartre said it), then what would be the nothingness of everything, if that is the subject. so, what is NOT everything? that should've been the question. but let's say, the nothingness of a chair, that changes everything. the nothingness of a chair is the space around it. what is the nothingness of the space around the chair? the chair. what is the nothingness of everything? SYNTAX ERROR!!

now the cool pictures

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What kind of art do I like and why?

well, the art that I mostly like is the art of making people change for good.. but going to the art as we know today (music, literature, scuplture, etc.), I mostly like music. the reason why I like music over other arts, is because I like an art where talent can be shown. even if that breaks the rules of the essence of art, i like talent over the truths of the artist.. i dont know why.. maybe i don't have the talent to identify good artists over talented people, but that's just me. i did a whole classwork about the talent and the truths of the artist.. i feel like i will repeat the classwork here, so Jose is the one who knows my work.. i dont know if i should feel shameful for being lazy and not doing the work all over again or just keep living and get what i deserve.. i hope we get to talk about things related to the classwork, but not too alike like this one..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Ding an Sich -> Meaning

Meanings are mental representations accepted by a society to be considered that way. What makes a meaning a meaning? We stablish meanings, we say if this is that or that is this, and if many people say that´s ok, it will be on a dictionary saying that many people consider it that way, and after a generation the new dictionaries will say that that representations is the meaning of something, so there is a new word.
the ¨meaningish¨ of a meaning as just said is its concept; this is the base of the Ding an Sich of everything. I did a classwork saying what i just have said before in 2 pages, and i don´t have my notebook here and i don´t want to think about it again because after school my mind takes a break and i don´t want to interrupt my mind on its break, so deal with it
here are the nice pics

Sanity = Power -> ?

Well, sanity doesn´t exist. I believe there is a missing part on the question or Jose is insane, but there is something wrong.
how can sanity represent power? is insanity not powerful? i can´t think of answers to this questions, it doesn´t make sense. sanity doesn´t exist, sanity is not defined, insanity is overrated, insanity is definded by societies, THIS DOESN´T MAKE SENSE!!
now some pics for personal enjoying

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


well, one neurosis of mine, is when people are lazy and depend on other people. it can be for studying or it can be for asking him to pass on the remote. i can't tolerate those people. maybe the reason of that is because my dad wants me to be autosufficient and independant, and i want that too. but there are other neurosis caused by my father which didn't help much in my childhood but its all good now... i can't remember my childhood because of that